Does an AC Tune Up Include Filter Change? - A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to setting up an air conditioning system, one of the most important steps is cleaning and replacing the filters. This is essential for the system to work efficiently and effectively cool your home during the hot summer months. The air filter protects the system from harmful air particles, and if it becomes clogged, dirt and dust can accumulate in the evaporator coil, reducing the cooling capacity of the system and causing serious damage. It's important to replace the fiberglass, polyester, HEPA, or UV air filter regularly.

Doing so will ensure that your air conditioner operates at peak efficiency throughout the season. Spring is the ideal time for adjusting and performing preventive maintenance on your air conditioner, as summer is when you'll be using it most. In addition to hiring a professional to do an annual air conditioner tune up, there are a few tasks you can do yourself to extend its life. The cost of setting up an air conditioner depends on its size and the type of service it needs.

You can save money by adjusting your air conditioner yourself, rather than hiring a professional. It's best to program the settings in spring, so that maintenance is completed before summer when you'll be using it. If proper air conditioning is neglected, energy efficiency will suffer and operating costs will increase. All air conditioning tune-up tasks have some very important benefits for your unit. To prevent lint from your dryer entering the air conditioning unit and restricting air flow, make sure that it's not vented towards the unit.

If you're unsure what's included in an AC tune up, professionals at Grove Heating & Cooling will be happy to answer your questions. If you use a heat pump cooling system, it should receive two adjustments per year since it works for both heating and cooling. Basic air conditioner settings usually involve an annual review by an HVAC technician who will inspect various components of the unit to make sure it's working properly for the next season. Calling a preventive maintenance service to adjust your air conditioner also allows a field technician to perform a full evaluation. A tune-up for your AC unit should include checking all electrical connections, lubricating moving parts, inspecting belts and pulleys for wear and tear, checking refrigerant levels, cleaning condenser coils, checking fan blades for damage or wear, and replacing filters as needed. It's also important to check for any signs of corrosion or rust on any parts of the unit. In addition to these basic tune-up tasks, you should also check for any leaks in the ductwork or other parts of the system.

If there are any leaks present, they should be repaired immediately as they can cause significant damage to your system over time. Finally, if you're looking for ways to save money on energy costs while still keeping your home comfortable during hot summer months, consider investing in a programmable thermostat. This device allows you to set different temperatures throughout the day so that you don't have to manually adjust your thermostat every time you want to change the temperature. By following these simple steps and performing regular maintenance on your AC unit, you can ensure that it runs efficiently and effectively all summer long. Doing so will help you save money on energy costs while still keeping your home comfortable during hot summer months.